
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chapter 1of Shakespear,Winter's tale

Shakespear Winter's tale
by Asil


.Being a king has to rule his own kingdom was really a very hard work,So busy,Has no time for anyone even his wife and kids,But king Leantos had missed his old friend and school felمow Polixenes who has been the king of bohimia now and he is so busy too,So king Leantos and his beautiful wife Hermoine organized a meeting for him and an invetation to visit cisili,Lentos asked Hermoine to treat Polixenes very kindly,Polixenes was so thankful and glad for that invetation and accept with all pleasure and the day after Polixenes went there and his old friend had welcomed him so warmly,day after day,the days passed and Polixenes decided to leave cisili and backed directly to his kingdom as he had spent a lot away,Polixenes apologized to Leantos and required a permission for leaving but Leantos try to convince him to stay but Polixenes refused.Leantos told his wife Hermoine that Polixenes had decided to leave and asked her to bage him to stay.Hermoine backed to Polixenes and abeyed her husband and asked Polixenes to stay then Polixenes agreed.


.Lenatos feel jealousy when Polixenes agreed Hermoin's require so he assumed himself that there was a relationship between them or any kind of love,so he began to watch all Hermoin's moves towards Polixenes,and his assumption increased as hermoine was treating Polixenes kindly as she thought that would make Leantos her husband happy,Leantos was nervous and anxious,he thought that his wife was a lier and unfaithful for him and on a relationship with him,Leantos hadn't beared such an idea,He addressed his servant Camillo and told him about his wife's treason and faithlessness and commanded him to poison Polixenes,Camillo understood that his guilty wasn't true,so he decided to rescue Polixenes from what Leantos had plained against him,as fast as Camillo could he went and warned Polixenes and they escaped togther to Bohimia,And that what Leantos anger was waiting for to fire all around and to get out all his nervous,unjustice and guilty on his poor wife Hermoine,he throwed her in Prison without any convincing reason and deprived her from any visits,and he commanded to be trialed in public trail,for more misfortune their young son as he heared about his mother pain indicating of his father cruelity he lost his desire for eating and his suffering disappointment leaded him to some hilarious diseases appeared on his face. .while Hermoine was in Prison she gave birth a small beautiful baby daughter,she whispered,Although she was knowing for sure that the baby wouldn't understand her"Oh my beautiful young prisoner baby,you have done such a small fult like me",Paulina the faithful servant of Hermoine lingered to the prison to visit her by Leantos Ignorace and offered her"what a poor queen,I know for sure that you are innocent as your baby child,But I offer you a deal I help it may help you,Give me your baby I'll show it to the king Leantos may it soft his heart and set both you free"the queen Hermoine accept her deal which she found an opportunity to save herself from her husband guilty So she thought that that was the only was so she decided to surrended to it,she gave her the baby and Poulina took her and dressed her up an expensive coat with gold and jeweles all over her and took her towards the king Leantos. .Paulina approuched to King Leantos and began to speak"Oh,My lord this your baby,your suffering queen has beared the pains to demand you this beautiful baby daughter"she put her opposite to the king's feet and left them alone supposing that will make the king more freely to elaborate his warm feelings towards his innocent baby child,But she was so wrong,as soon as she had lived,the king addressed Pulina's husband Antigonous from the loyal court and commanded him to take the child towards the coast and left her there to die.Antigonous wasn't a kind man as Camillo,he abeyed his command at once,he took her to the coast and left her after fasting a pieace of paper by her coat explainning her noble birth and her life story with undirectly way,and left her and he went back,But his cruel lead him to death as a bear attacked him and ate him,while he was going back .


.the cruel king commanded two of his faithful servants to travel to Delfos and ask the oracle for his illustration if his wife is unfaithful,the two servants abeyed Lenatos at once,He knew that Pulina's bagging indicated of Hermoine's weekness and misery and assumed that was a slight admission of her disgracful treason,
He didn't wait for the answer of the oracle as he was sure that Hermoine was a lier.He announced the public trail would begin,and in terriable sight the queen stood up in an arrested,shamful way was ruled by her guilty husband,while the public trail was on the two servants recived with the answer of the oracle which was carried the truth of Hermoine,the excitment was filled leantos as he commanded loudly"read it loudly"so one of the servants advanced and began to tell what would carry the most terrified speech for hermoine.


."Hermoine is innocent,camillo is a true servant,polixenes is blameless,Antigonous deserve his hilarious end,Leantos is a cruel king,and he will stay without an heir till what was lost is found"the king hadn't believe the answer of the oracle he thought it was all a trick made by the queen's faithful servants,By the astonishment of all,Pulina entered the caurt room announcing"The charming prince died",everybody was anxious and scared,And with Hermoine losing the consciousness after a long bearing,the same sound of her body's hitting the floor,was the sound of Leantos waking up to watch the matter with real eyes not unjust ones,he saw how stubid was he,everyone had left him everyone had hated him and go,But he realized finally he must found the baby who will be the heir,he commanded Pulina to take Hermoine and look after her,after a while Pulina entered the room to announce the death of hermoine.

Chapter one is off select chapter two of Shakspear,Winter's tale

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chapter 2 of Shakespear,winter's tale!



.By the coast,an old shipper was passing through the way to feed his few ships,coincidentally he glanced something lasting reflected sun rays to blind him,he took a step backward,then he approched to cheak it,he found a beautiful,lost baby was waiting her savior"Oh,what a lasting jeweles!"her expensive coat was indicating her noble family,he took her to his own cottage and with all kind and love his wife had found a pleasure opportunity to look after a baby and take care of it as they weren't giving birth and they named her Perdita which is meaning in Latin the lost girl,they took her jeweles and sold some of them and bought some new ships,and immigrated to another city to prevent their neighbors to doubt about their spontaneous wealthy,days after days,years afer years...the young perdita had been a beautiful miss,she took the noble manner and the proud behavior of her mother as any one was seeing her for the first time he wasn't believe that she was a shipper daughter.


.Florizel was the prince of bohimia the son of Polixenes the king,he was taking his raws everyday and went to hunt deers,coincidentally,once he saw a beautiful blond girl,among all gromming and shouting his ears didn't listen to any sound but her voice,he fell in love with her at once,He decided to visit her house to see her parents,he was afraid if they were greedy,So he disguised as a normal merchant and visit her,day after another the beautiful perdita and the hiden florizel had been lovers,King polixenes worried about his son,he had been almost out,so he commanded Camillo to linger behind him as a spy to know where he had been going these days,as soon as Camillo had been knowing all about that matter as he went back to Polixenes and told him all about perdita the poor daughter of the shipper,Polixenes had been angry"Shipper daughter,what a shame! how come that my son the prince of bohimia to love such that law born girl" and decided to disguise and fallowed his unrisponsable son that neight to see the matter with his own eyes. .That neight the shipper made a party and invite florizel,his father was watching him while he was sitting with Perdita the law born girl,he Interrupted their speech and told florizel with furious dialect"They have told me,that you love her,but where are your prsents and gifts for her?,when we were as you we used to elaborate our love by giving gifts" he replied negating"my gift for her is my love and it's close in my heart" he calmed a momment"stay here as a witness when I swear that I'm going to marry Perdita"he said it aloud,his father the king showed himself for all and told off florizel"how dare you to swear on thing such like that?,you had better to break dawn with her"then he faced perdita"and I'm warnning you to stay away of my son,or else.....,I will prison you and kill your father"he threatened them and left them and go,while the silence of all perdita finally cut it"I was wanting to told him that the sun which rise on his high palace is the same one which rise on my father poor cottage,isn't it?",Camillo feeled with their misery and wanted to help them so he suggest"why don't I take both of you to cisili,which Leantos can help you,and by the way to see my homeland again which I've missed it alot".

Pulina's statue

.by the warm welcom which Leantos did,by a terrable sight Leantos said"Oh,how much did I regret,I've missed your father a lot"he turned to face perdita"Oh,how beautiful are you,you look like my wife Hermoine a lot,If my lost girl is still alive,she would be look like you!",the poor shipper listen carfully and began to ask some questions about Leantos's lost baby,he began to doubt that perdita was the same child,he showed them the expensive coat and the jeweles which was surrounded her,Pulina recognised them,after being sure and confident that Perdita and the lost baby are same,pulina suggest"I've a statue of hermoine in my house,why don't you come with me and see it?"they all agreed,with the eager of perdita to see her mother and her confusion,she kneeled opposite to her mother statue with unbelieve face,Leantos said regretfully"Oh my beautiful queen,Hermoine,how misery and pain do I feel after you,It was all my falth,my jealousy was killing me"Pulina held the curtain and pleased the king to draw it but he refused with a sign of his finger"I feel air blowing from her side,I see her eyes moving right and left"said Leantos"see,you have begun to assume,I have to draw the curtain"Pulina said with astonishment"don't laugh at me,but I will kiss the statue"said leantos"no my lord,I can make the statue move and talk with you!"said Pulina,The statue approches from leantos and told him"Oh,my sweat husband!all along my life I've swear to never forgive you unless my lost baby is found,I've hide myself in Pulina's house all along twenty years to punish you"said Hermoine"And now I've forgive you as I've showed myself again"then she turned to perdita"welcom my dear",By the astonishment of all and their belieflessness faces,Pulina announced"Hermoine is alive as she was along twenty years ago!".


.After Hermoine's suffering,Leantos regretting ,Florizel's true love,Polixenes's unjustince,Pulina's and Camillo's faithfulness And finally Perdita's losing her right to live as a princess all along twenty years,
The dream of all had achieved as their singing was aloud in Perdita's and Florizel marriage,they were all dancing indicating of the disapperance of Treason among them,and as Camillo was asking Pulina to permit him to dance with him,the two faithful servants who they had been saviors,both of them were happy as all,both them were dancing with each other as Leantos was dancing with Hermoine and as Florizel was dancing with Perdita,But although all that,they were differed,they were sharing a look of saviors,such like Camillo was telling Pulina that"we had accomplished our hard mission,and exert our effort and life within it,Although our love have lived within us and I've missed your face all along twenty years,as fast as I've found an opportunity to come here as I seized it to see you,just you"their looks were saying a lot as she replied"No one know about our love even shakespear himself as we will stay the only lovers who have never fighting as their confidence was within us"Camillo gave Pulina a slight kiss which no one had noticed! But I can't say even me....Right???or what

To be honest the part which is talking about Pulina's and Camillo's love is all made by me,I've noticed the direct relationship between them from the beginning,Although Shakespear himself hadnot,But anyone will notice that if he read the unsimplified,main one,I hope you like it as I've exerted a lot of effort to write it.



My faithful dog,Lika!

My faithful dog,Lika
by Asil


. .I can't even remember how all that had begun!,It all happened coincidentally ,It was just one cold,dark,terrified night of those routinely nights and I was as always coming back directly from Work at the space station,but there was one thing unusually routine at that night!there was barking everywhere ,but who didn't tell you that there was no barking at the rest ones, but that night I felt with the painfully reality of that poor whatever it was, AAWOOOO....AAWOOOO,I felt with It's suffering ,I walked slowly towards the slight sound, and I found a little dog was having to suffer the pain for It's broken leg!,I felt with It's frustration! Exactly such a suffocating unbreathable creature! ,Like a prisoner was captive in the vicious life which had no pity ,was deprived from It's right of living! "What a poor creature!,who have left you here alone in the darkness?" I whispered ,on my rhythmical voice I felt it calmed and quited,"came on,let's take you to the some warmer place!,My apartment!"I carried it directly to my House and I brought some milk and dogs' food for it!days passed and my lovely female friendly dog grown up and became a really faithful friend,once I was coming back from Work and as always I was ready to Lika's warm welcome and not completely steady for it's wet licking,But instead I found her barking very loud and over load,for every step towards the house her barking was higher,I tried to calm her down but it was no use,So I began to fell anxious"What's wrong with you my dear?,you look very different today!"she was dragging my out the apartment furiously and violently,she was insisting at all,she was not kidding!she was not joking!and that made me scared as I had not experienced before!That's bad!So bad!,I didn't know what was she gesturing at?,suddenly,and after lika's dragging out,I saw the whole building cracking!even the floor under me,I was have no right way to think or just knew where I must run,like who had lost his consciousness or infected with some mentally diseases,So I left the only,last right brain to lead,Lika!

Rescuer: .

.Lika rescued me,such no other great policeman she was, after that accident I left that area and the government had brought a new apartment for me,to live happily with her,her fantasy smile was always fascinating me,her unheard wise,courage speech was always inspiring me!,my colleagues and friends were always calling me crazy,and addressing me with insane,and when my employer had tested me for an advanced level,she was supporting me,but she was have no idea that this advanced level in the space station may or must deprived her from me,and as expecting,after few weeks my employer had told me to prepare myself for a space traveling,she was have no idea when I was carring her towards some friend of me,that I was going to leave her there,I could listen her screaming when I had left her in her invisible weeping,I could fell her killing miss inside my heart,after few weeks I returned back crawling to my friend's house and I was still can remember her warm huge.

Mysterious death:

. .such like a knife pushed directly into my abdomen nothing else when I heared that Lika had died two weeks after my leaving,I couldn't hide my weakness as I couldn't prevent my tears to fall over my cheek,what a rough life!,after a year I became easy,and I forgot almost about Lika except some of her memories,I spent the last whole year tring to assume myself that her death wasn't completely my fault,one day in the space station at the evening while everybody was asleep I dreamt with her,she was barking and as I could determine it was the same sight when she was standing over the door and unapparent warning was screaming of fear,But something indefinitely doubt me that It was not just a memory.. Fire :. .By her fantasy warnings,I waked up!as my eyes were wide open of surprise,I found all the stuff were burning!,but that time I was have an idea for the same situation,so I waked everybody up and warned the all,And as we were all terrified as you got out half-wearied uncared. .Lika had saved me twice,And with our sleepily,scared eyes we all watched the last laugh of the fire under the firemen water whips as a witness on Lika's victory,It was a scene like no other!



Saturday, November 7, 2009

مصر أم الدنيا

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ومن ثم بسم الوطن الأعظم


شششششششش...أستلق السمع يا مصري,أستلق السمع عن بيتك و أهلك اللذان هما وطنك !

الناس يتشاورون فيما بينهم عن أهل وطن هم للنصيحة الأذكى,وللطيبة هم الأعطف,وللضيافة هم الاكرم,و عن الجيرة هم الأبرر,و للدفاع فهم الحمى و المسند,قلبهم للملاطفة هم البلسم,و للقتال هم السلاح المعمر.

لا إله إلا الله,و له تعلو الكلمة,و به تتحد الأمة,ومنه يرزق البلد.

ولي الفخر بأن أبدأ مقالتي بسم الله وبسم الوطن وبسم 80 مليون مصري أتحدوا على تعميرجذور تربة واحدة

ومن ثم بسم الرجل الفاضل الذي أيقظه قلبه اخيراً ليفيق إلى أن كلمة مصر هي أكثر من مجرد كلمة ثلاثية الأحرف,بل هي كلمة أستحيت خلفها دماء الشهداء وآلام الأهال والأبناء,ودفن تحتها أطناط الأساطير التي تحكي عن قيل وقال في البلاد.

قيل عن المغول لا يقهروا وقهرهم المصريون,قيل عن اليهود قلب الأمكار و الحيل وأمكر عليهم المصريون بغتة وهم لا يشعرون!

قل إنما هي بلدي أقولها عن فخرٌ يعتريني بلا أدني غطرسة و بدون إدعاء.

عن أي سردٌ أحكي يروي عظمة الأسلاف وعزتهم,أختاروا أيها الناس فلا عجلة من أمرنا اليوم

عن فتوحات الإسلام أم عن طرد الحيثين والرومان.

عن مصر شهد العيون أم ظي الفؤاد

لكن اليوم هدنة يا عباد الله,لا مزيد عن شهيد الصهاينة ولا رفقاء الأكفان

بل عن عدوٌ ماكر يحوم حولنا ويترصدنا,يضحك من قلبه ويحززننا

يهاجمنا ولا نرد,وإهٍ على وهن الأبدان

حجمه كالكف وبطشه وباء

فآهٍ من ورقة أنت ملقيها على أرضٍ زحف من قبلك عليها بالسلاح

لن تشل يداً أو تكسر ساق إن حملت لفافة ورق

أعي قلة السلات لكن على من تلم

على مواطن يأبى القذارة والمرض

أم على رجل قد أغشته العثة

فكر بعقلك وأتبع ديناً للأفضال قد أمر

كفانا عاراً إذ تحدثت مع أجنبي وبخك على شهيق السعال وأكوام الورق

وفي النهاية أنت الكيس الفطن.

وكما علمنا رسولنا محمد أن من الإيمان ما قد نظف.

أسيل سعد,14

طب أقول إيه غير عشان خطري ماترموش الزبالة على الأرض بليز...هه؟..أوكى ولا إيه؟..إييييييييييييييييييه؟


man best friend

The man best friend

By Asil

long,long ago!when the animals were talking to each other,and the man was living in stony caves,and wearing the tigers lither........... and the Dog was looking for a friend! one day the dog got out of his home and went towards the rabbit,It asked the rabbit:(Hey rabbit! the loneliness is so Hilarious,and I'm searching for a friend!) the rabbit agreed with the dog ,that night the dog had been barking all the night but the rabbit stopped it:what are you doing?do you want the fox come and eat us?)the dog thought that the rabbit is afraid so he decided to go to live with the strong fox,the dog asked the fox:hi fox,you know? I live alone and I'm really want to be a friend for you)the fox agreed so much,so as the dog used to do he had been barking all that night but the fox stopped him:are you crazy?what are you doing?do you want the strong bear to come and eat us?stop barking!)Nooo-the dog thought-The fox is as afraid as the rabbit,so he decided to leave the fox and went to the strong bear and live with it,the dog walked towards the bear and asked him:(Hi,I feel lonely and I want to be friends)the bear agreed, every night the dog had been barking all along that night but the bear stopped him(Shhhh,stop,the man will come and hunt me!),(no way,the bear was as afraid as the rabbit and the fox,let's go to that creature who is called the man who are all animals are afraid of him)the dog the dog went to the man and asked him(Hi,can I live with you?.I need a friend)the man agreed with all pleasure ,so as the dog was doing everynight he had been barking all the night while the man was asleep,But the man didn't wake up!the dog amazed,He barked again then the man waked up and told him (hey!my dog If you are you hungry,go and eat but don't annoying me while I'm asleep)the dog amazed with all astonishment,and thought that the man was courage as he wasn't afraid as the rabbit and the fox or even the enormous bear, And he decided to stay with him forever and he would be his best friend! Since that day the dog has been the Man's best friend and the most faithful one.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The smart rabbit

The smart rabbit

by Asil
long ago in the far forest the snake was always climbing the tree from time to time to the bird and eat her eggs,One day the bird set sad,when the smart rabbit saw her and ask "Hey bird!why are you so sad like this?" the bird told him"each time I put my eggs, the snake climb up the tree and eat them" the rabbit told her"no matter!I can help you,today is friday and the market will very crowed and all the wealthy women will be there,you will search for a women who is wearing the largest chain and the most expensive one and steal it from her neck"the bird said negated "steal?"the rabbit told her"wait,you will just take it and fly up,the women will scream and all the people will try to help her,they will try to catch you,So you should fly down and slow to be easily watched by them,you will fly till you reach the snake cave and throw the chain inside it,the people will try to get the it back, and they will be cautious to stay afar from the snake,they will had to kill the snake first and then get the chain back"the bird said happily"what a Marvelous plan,tomorrow I'll accomplish this smart plan"and exactly at market on the day after the bird fly over the people till she saw a rich women wear a large,expensive chain full of jewels,the bird fly down and snatched it the women screamed all the people around the women turned to watch this women,the people try to calm her so,they ran behind the bird,and the bird did like what the rabbit told her,flew down and slow,So the people could see her,the bird fly till she reached the snake cave and threw it inside,then the bird fly up to set on a tree and watch anxiously, someone put his hand near the chain ,but he pulled it fast"there's a snake inside,what should we do?" one wise man said"we can spread some poisonous gas in this hole and poison it" So as the last resort they put inside a poisonous gas and wait,after a while they found the snake ran out,then the people got the chain and the bird thanked the smart rabbit that helped it and she lived in peace ever after .





By Asil

long time ago,there was a huge apple tree,A little boy loved to come and play around it everyday,He climbed to the tree top and ate it's apples,he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him. Time went by.........,the little boy had grown up,and he no longer play around! One day the boy come back to the tree and he looked sad. "come and play with me"the tree asked "I'm no longer a kid,I'm not play around the trees any more"the boy replied"I want toys ,I need money to buy them. "sorry,but i don't have money.....but you can pick all my apples and sell you will have money" the boy was so excited.He grabbed all the apples on the trees and left happily.the boy never come back after he picked the apples,the tree was so sad. One day the boy who turned into a man returned,And the tree was excited"come and play with me" the tree said "I have no time to play,I've to work for my family.We need a house for shelter,Can you help me?" "sorry but I don't have any house for you.But you can chop all my branches to build your house"so the man chopped all the branches of the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the man never come back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad! One hot summer day the man returned!the tree was delighted "come and play with me !" The tree asked "I'm getting old,I want to go sailing to relax myself,Can you give me a boat?"The man said "Use my trunk to make your boat" The tree said "You can sail far away and be happy" So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat.and left happily,He went sailing and never showed up for a long time. Finally,The man returned after many years. "sorry my boy,But i don't have anything for you any more...No more apples for you"The tree said "No problem,I've no teeth to bite"The man replied "No more trunk for you to climb on" "I'm too old now for that"the man said "I really can't give you anything but my dying roots"the tree said with tears "I don't need much now,just a place to rest,I'm tired after all these years"the man replied "Good,Old tree roots are comfortable to lean on and rest,Come,Sit with me and rest" the man sat down and the tree was very glad,The tree smiled with tears......... This is you!!!! And the tree is your parents ????!!!!!!!!

"وَقَضَىٍ رَبٍِك ألا تَعِِبدوا إلا إياه وبالوَالَدين إحسَاناً,إما يبلغَنَ عندَكَ الكبرَ أحَدهمَا أو كلاَهمَا فَلاَ تَقلْ لهمَا أٌفِ ولا تَنهَرهمَا وقل لَهمَا قولاً كَريمَاً" صدق الله العظيم
